The mobile storage unit from Works™ has room for your folders, books, pens, and laptop to make your workspace complete.
The mobile storage unit has the following dimensions: w300 x d580 x h555 mm. The upper and smaller drawer has the internal dimension: w235 x d440 x h100 mm. The lower and larger drawer has the internal dimensions: w235 x d440 x h250 mm. To make the mobile storage unit easy to move around there is a retractable handle on the back.
Interior designer Anna von Schewen and industrial designer Björn Dahlström designed String Works, and extended the String System and String Pocket by creating new parts and clever accessories.
Since its launch in 1949, the String design has received more than 15 prestigious international awards including a gold medal at the Milan Triennale (1954), The Classic Prize and Excellent Swedish Design (1999), German Design Award (2016), “Furniture Supplier of the Year” and Winner Long Life Design Award (2020) to name a few. String® was also honoured with a stamp by the Swedish Postal Service (2017).