The original Bouquet Chandelier idea came to Danish industrial designer Sinja Svarrer Damkjær, while she was on a study trip in Italy.
While watching flower handlers in an Italian market, Sinja became fascinated as she watched how, as tulip bundles were being loosely tied, the beautiful blossoming flower heads would automatically hang downwards, then sway and bend creating a natural soft curve. These modern chandeliers suspend from a braided linen cord that highlights the organic tone of the design. In the bouquets of three, five and seven lamp shades, the cords are braided together to accentuate the organic and soft shapes, which offers a pleasant counter to the precisely folded pleats and tight geometry synonymous with LE KLINT.
Material options
Dia350mm x H400mm
Dia550mm x H500mm
Dia800mm x H800mm
Sinja Svarrer Damkjær attained her Masters degree in Engineering at Aalborg University, specialising in industrial design. She graduated in 2007.
SINJA SVARRER DAMKJÆR"To combine this somewhat nonchalant flower with the meticulous and tight geometry of Le Klint's pleating was a great challenge, but with challenges comes opportunity."
Inspired by Mother Nature and spring flowers, her final project was the creation of the first version of The Bouquet and a fresh interpretation of classical cross-pleating. The Bouquet was the first product in Le Klint’s history to use LED, the energy-saving lighting technology of the future. The designer combined classical Le Klint cross-pleating with modern lighting technology.
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